Saturday, February 1, 2014

What We're Learning this Week (January 27-31, 2014)

Well, after so many snow days, it wasn't as much as Mrs. Elliott would have liked. However, after a two week break from school on top of Christmas Break, Friday we FINALLY got back in the routine of things. 

In Math, we began working on our second Numbers and Operations - Fractions standard. We began by taking the 5.NF.2 Pre-Assessment. Mrs. Elliott made a deal that anyone who got a 100% on the Pre-Test did not have to take the Post-Test, as they had already mastered the material. The lucky student? Morgan Patrick! After reading, writing, and re-writing in 5th grade language our I CAN statements for the standard, we completed the rest of our Math Data Notebook necessities. Although it was a Friday and Mrs. Elliott doesn't give homework over the weekend, she did make an exception in this case since we had missed so much school.

In Social Studies, we continued our studies of the Declaration of Independence. Being able to read the Declaration isn't enough in 5th grade. Students need to be able to comprehend specific excerpts, since this is such an important document in American history. We have practiced this a few times already. We've completed a scavenger hunt of the Declaration, and taken notes in our Interactive Student Notebook, rewriting excerpts in our own, easy-to-read language. So, to keep this from becoming stale and boring, Mrs. Elliott tied in a little 21st century technology. Through our studies, we've discussed how the Declaration of Independence is kind of like a letter from the colonists explaining that they were finished with Britain and King George III. So, we took a modern twist and students used the excerpts to write a "break-up letter" to King George. But, since no one writes letters anymore and more and more communication is done technologically, we "broke up" with George via text message! We loved this activity and will complete it Monday!

**Looking for a paper? Check out the Filing Cabinet


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