Monday, October 29, 2012

What We're Learning this Week (October 29-November 2, 2012)

In Math on Monday, we began reviewing for our end of the unit assessment. Mrs. Elliott gave us a study guide that we will be using all week to help prepare us for our first Math Test.

In Science, we continued discussing food chains and food webs. Using cards with labels and diagrams, we took turns identifying various organisms as producers, consumers, or decomposers and then constructed a large food chain using the vocabulary we've been working on. We also discussed how EVERY food chain, no matter what organisms it's composed of, has to start with the sun, and has only one producer and one decomposer. It can have only one, or many consumers. 
In Math on Tuesday, we continued reviewing for our upcoming test. We reviewed the answers to questions 1-13 (last night's homework), worked them out as a class, discussed correct versus incorrect answers and began working on the next set of questions, 14-26 (Tuesday's homework). 

In Science, we continued our investigations of food chains and webs. In groups, we rotated through centers requiring us to complete a variety of different tasks. It was fun to change up our normal routine a little!

On Wednesday in Math, we continued working on our Study Guides in preparation for our test on Friday. 

In Science, we completed our station activities that we began yesterday and played a review game called "Scoot!". We "scooted" around the room when Mrs. Elliott said and answered a variety of questions about ecosystems, food chains, and food webs. It got us up out of our seats and moving around, while reviewing at the same time (kind of like musical chairs meets a study review!)
(Here we are in mid scoot!)

On Thursday, we spent the entire day studying and preparing for our tests. We practiced writing short answer and open response questions using the graphic organizer "RAE". R stands for restating the question, A stands for answering the question clearly, and E stands for explaining your answer or giving evidence to support the answer. We discussed how using this organizer to answer questions applies to all subject areas, not just Math and Science, but Reading and Social Studies as well. 
Monday, October 22, 2012

You're an Omnivore (Science Song!)

What We're Learning this Week (October 22-26, 2012)

In Math on Monday, we continued with what we began last Thursday...long division! We practiced dividing 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainders. We practiced figuring out how to if there was a remainder, where to put it, and even how to write it in fraction form!

In Science, we began our next chapter of study which is over energy transfers in ecosystems. We defined our new vocabulary words, which were herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, producer, consumer, and decomposer AND learned a new song while we were at it! (See the above post!)

On Wednesday in Math we began working on dividing 4-digit numbers. We discovered that once you have the technique of long division down, it doesn't matter how many digits are in the number you are dividing, it's all the same. 

In Science, we created Wild Animal Menus. We had to get as creative as possible to create a menu fit for a wild animal! These included an entree and dessert for a carnivore, herbivore, omnivore and decomposer. Mrs. Elliott told us to get as creative as possible and come up with some unique, but nasty menu items! We loved it! Here's an example of some of our great work!
Monday, October 15, 2012

What We're Learning this Week (October 15-19, 2012)

On Monday in Math, we reviewed 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication yet again. Mrs. Elliott gave us a quiz and those of us who have mastered the concept got to work on the computers, iPads, and Kindle Fires while she worked in small groups with those of us who are still struggling a bit.

In Science, we picked up where we left off last week. We worked with partners on our Biome packets. We discussed how there are 6 different land biomes on Earth. These include the Desert, Tundra, Tiaga, Grassland/Savanna, Tropical Rain Forest and the Deciduous Forest. We located them on a map and read descriptions about each, including the types of wildlife, both plants and animals that live there, as well as weather conditions. We discovered that here in Kentucky, we live in the Deciduous Forest biome.

On Wednesday in Math, we began working on long division problems (3 digits divied by 1 digits) using the standard algorithm, which we refer to as the old school method. Mrs. Elliott showed us the "Long Division Cheat Code", which stands for divide, multiply, subtract, check, bring down and check to help us solve these problems. 

In Science, to continue our studying on ecosystems and how humans can negatively affect them, we simulated an oil spill. We had various different sorbents we had to use to help us clean up our polluted water ecosystem. When we were done with our investigation, we had to give our imput, ideas, and expertise, based upon what we had just investigated, to use to help the CEO and the head of the Disaster Control Team of a fuel company who had just experienced an oil spill. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

"Ecosystems" Science Song!

What We're Learning this Week (October 8-13, 2012)

This week is a short one and boy are we excited for Fall Break! That didn't keep up from getting down to business after an extended weekend, however. On Monday, in Math, we continued working with multiplication. We finished up our posters that we began last week. Working with a partner, we had to explain to and show a 3rd grader how to solve 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems. Check out some of our work!
In Science, we began studying ecosystems. We reviewed our new vocabulary for the first lesson, which included envirionment, ecosystem, population, and community. We discussed how one of a particular type of animal is an individual, while more than one of the same type of animal is a population. A community is a place where numerous populations co-exist, or live together. We also learned a new song that we love singing! (Check out the post above!)