Thursday, February 12, 2015

What We're Learning this Week! (February 9-13, 2015)

Standards of focus: Math: 5.NF.1; Science 5-LS1-1

Last Week's MobyMax Math High Scorers!Derek (82)

On Monday in Math we began by taking our Mid-Year Enduring Skills Test, which focused on fractions. This is the second time we've taken this test, once at the beginning of the year, and although we haven't officially hit the fractions unit until today, most of us did see an increase in our scores!

In Science, we began working through centers that had us reviewing key concepts that we've learned about Photosynthesis. 

In Social Studies, we began Chapter 12, The Declaration of Independence. We discussed the meeting of the Second Continental Congress, the delegates that attended and what they were in charge of doing. 

On Tuesday, we officially began out Fractions Unit by taking the 5.NF.1 Pre-Test and taking notes over some review skills that are still critical in being able to correctly solve any problem with fractions: reducing or simplifying and finding equivalent fractions. 

In Science, we continued our rotations, reviewing the process of photosynthesis. 

In Social Studies, we continued discussing the importance of the Declaration of Independence and re-writing important excerpts in normal, everyday "kid-friendly" language.

On Wednesday, it was more of the same! In Math, we focused on reviewing how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa. 

In Science, we wrapped up our review stations and turned our response booklets in. 

In Social Studies, we watched the Schoolhouse Rock "Fireworks!" video, which discusses the Declaration of Independence. 

We also watched a short BrainPop video over the Declaration and then listened to our favorite song so far to help us review concepts, important details, and even people!


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