Monday, January 30, 2012

What We're Learning this Week (January 30-February 3, 2012)

As a wrap up to our area review, on Monday we practiced finding the area of various circles using the formula A= Πr² when given the radius or diameter. We also discussed how knowing only the center point of a circle allows us to find numerous facts about that circle, including the radius, diameter, circumference, and area. 

Tuesday we began the day by playing the card game "I Have, Who Has?" reviewing how to find the radius, diameter, circumference and area of circles as one last cumulative review before we move on to our next concept. Unfortunately, however, our projector had other plans for us. As our second period class was ending, our bulb blew (with a loud POP! that scared us all half to death) rendering us helpless and without a working SmartBoard or document camera. We use both of these pieces of technology EVERY SINGLE DAY in 5th grade Math, so this was a major catastrophe. For 3rd and 4th period Math classes, we had to improvise, so we got a head-start by completing our Diagnostic Assessment (pre-test) on a program called Moby Math that we will begin using regularly in Math class. More details will be sent home as the implementation of this program continues. On another note, pray that our bulb gets replaced soon, for we are lost without it! 

Wednesday we practiced and reviewed how to read line plots displaying fractional data, as well as answer questions using the data given. We first discussed this topic at the beginning of the year during our Graphing Unit, so today proved to be a good refresher course on line plots. 

Thursday we worked in the computer labs to finish up our Diagnostic Assessment on Moby Math. All but a handful of students in Mrs. Joseph's class got finished. Lessons have been assigned and students are ready to work at their own pace completing lessons. This is an ADDITIONAL way, along with XtraMath and Weekly Math Problems, for students to earn extra credit points in Math. 

Friday we took our weekly Math quiz. This week, every class improved their class score from last week, thank goodness! It was a very close race between which class won, with all 4 classes only being separated by a few points. Mrs. Joseph's class, however, pulled off the win and had the highest overall score again this week. Friday afternoon we all joined the Tumbling Team in the gym for an assembly, as we watched the team members show off their tumbling skills. 


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