Standards of focus: Math: 5.NBT.7; Science 5-PS1-3
Last Week's MobyMax Math High Scorers!: Conner Clem (135) and Scott Coffey (15)
Monday was off to a rocky, or should I say snowy start as we had our first weather delay of the school year so far. This put us a little behind, but we still got quite a bit accomplished today!
In Math, we began our last standard of the Numbers & Operations in Base-10 unit by taking our pre-test over standard 5.NBT.7. This standard is partially a review (adding and subtracting decimals) and partially new or newer information (multiplying and dividing decimals). We were pretty good at the adding and subtracting part, but we forgot our decimal rule when multiplying and the division problems really threw us for a loop! Nevertheless, we are cruising right along and will continue practicing and refreshing these skills as the days pass.
After missing Tuesday due to a snow day, we were right back at it on Wednesday. We practiced adding and subtracting decimals by playing board games in small groups of 3-4 students.
In Social Studies, we had to become detectives to solve crimes! After reading about crimes and the clues that were left behind, we had to figure out which colonial region the suspect came from.
In Math on Thursday, we began taking notes on multiplying decimals in our Interactive Notebooks. We discussed how multiplying decimals isn't any different from multiplying whole numbers except for the last step of inserting the decimal back into the product.
In Social Studies we began working on colony brochures. We were allowed to pick any of the the 13 original colonies and from here, we had to create a travel brochure highlighting its features.
In Math on Friday we took our usual Weekly Math Quiz over morning work, lived scored them and then analyzed our data. Mrs. Dennis' homeroom won this week!
In Social Studies, we completed our colony travel brochures and Mrs. Elliott hung a few of the realllllllly good ones on the proficiency board outside.
In Math, we began our last standard of the Numbers & Operations in Base-10 unit by taking our pre-test over standard 5.NBT.7. This standard is partially a review (adding and subtracting decimals) and partially new or newer information (multiplying and dividing decimals). We were pretty good at the adding and subtracting part, but we forgot our decimal rule when multiplying and the division problems really threw us for a loop! Nevertheless, we are cruising right along and will continue practicing and refreshing these skills as the days pass.
After missing Tuesday due to a snow day, we were right back at it on Wednesday. We practiced adding and subtracting decimals by playing board games in small groups of 3-4 students.
In Social Studies, we had to become detectives to solve crimes! After reading about crimes and the clues that were left behind, we had to figure out which colonial region the suspect came from.
In Math on Thursday, we began taking notes on multiplying decimals in our Interactive Notebooks. We discussed how multiplying decimals isn't any different from multiplying whole numbers except for the last step of inserting the decimal back into the product.
In Social Studies we began working on colony brochures. We were allowed to pick any of the the 13 original colonies and from here, we had to create a travel brochure highlighting its features.
In Math on Friday we took our usual Weekly Math Quiz over morning work, lived scored them and then analyzed our data. Mrs. Dennis' homeroom won this week!
In Social Studies, we completed our colony travel brochures and Mrs. Elliott hung a few of the realllllllly good ones on the proficiency board outside.
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