In Math on Monday, we continued our study of fractions. We've already learned how to find equivalent fractions, convert improper fractions into mixed numbers and vice versa, mixed numbers into improper fractions. The next thing on the agenda was to learn how to add and subtract fractions with common denominators, which we accomplished and thought was quite easy!
In Science, we continued discussing fossils and the fossil record. We learned the different types of fossils, including cast, mold, trace, and petrified wood, as well as how each are made.
In Math on Tuesday, we M.A.P. tested, which took almost all of our Math AND Science time. In the Fall, our goal to be considered proficient in 4th grade was a 203.8. Our Winter goal is a 208.7 (basically a 209). Mrs. Elliott set a lofty goal for us to accomplish, a proficiency score of 60%. Although we didn't quite accomplish that goal, she is EXTREMELY proud of us, as all but a few (VERY few might I add) increased our Fall scores drastically! Some by as many as 16 points! Needless to say, she is one happy teacher! :)
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