In Math on Monday, we continued with what we began last Thursday...long division! We practiced dividing 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainders. We practiced figuring out how to if there was a remainder, where to put it, and even how to write it in fraction form!
In Science, we began our next chapter of study which is over energy transfers in ecosystems. We defined our new vocabulary words, which were herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, producer, consumer, and decomposer AND learned a new song while we were at it! (See the above post!)
On Wednesday in Math we began working on dividing 4-digit numbers. We discovered that once you have the technique of long division down, it doesn't matter how many digits are in the number you are dividing, it's all the same.
In Science, we created Wild Animal Menus. We had to get as creative as possible to create a menu fit for a wild animal! These included an entree and dessert for a carnivore, herbivore, omnivore and decomposer. Mrs. Elliott told us to get as creative as possible and come up with some unique, but nasty menu items! We loved it! Here's an example of some of our great work!
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