Monday, September 24, 2012

What We're Learning this Week (September 24-28, 2012)

After an AMAZING field trip last week to 4-H camp, many of us were still recovering on Monday! (Teachers included, lol) However, it was back to business as usual. In Math, we began working on multi-digit multiplication. We started off by practicing multiplying 1-digit by 2-digit numbers. We observed that multiplying using the standard algorithm (the "old school" method) was actually very similar to addition. If you got an answer more than 9, you put the ones place answer down and carried the 10's. 

In Science, we began our study of chapter 4, which is over the human body. This chapter is LOADED with vocabulary words, many of which have definitions that are very similar, such as artery, capillary and vein. So, most of Monday was spent completing our V3 Vocabulary sheets and learning the definitions of our vocabulary words. 

On Tuesday in Math we continued working with multiplication. After reviewing and practicing 2-digit by 1-digit numbers Monday, Tuesday we were ready to move on to 3-digit by 1-digit numbers. 

In Science, we discussed how cells make tissues, tissues make organs, and finally how organs make organ systems. We also discussed how the digestive system works, including how it begins in the mouth the minute you begin chewing your food, before passing to the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. In groups, we began working on our human body models. We cut out, labeled, and identified the organs or parts discussed and what their function was within the digestive system. We will continue adding to our model as we discuss different body systems this week and next. 
On Wednesday in Math we worked with multiplication yet again. We conquered multiplying 4-digit by 1-digit numbers, which we decided was VERY familiar to 2-digit and 3-digit numbers like what we've worked with earlier in the week. 

In Science we continued our study of the human body. We discussed the respiratory system and it's important elements, such as the mouth, nasal passages, trachea, and lungs. We also talked about how oxygen travels from our mouth or nose, depending on how we breathe it in, to cells throughout our body. To add to our human body model, we again worked in our groups and labeled, cut out and identified key organs and parts, as well as their function within the respiratory system. 


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