Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What We're Learning this Week (February 21-24, 2012)

Another 3 day weekend meant catching up in Math class this week and ensuring we didn't fall behind. Tuesday, we began conversions. We started with the metric system, since it's easier and basically follows our base-10 decimal system anyway. We learned and practiced using the "ladder method" of converting units and learned a few new sayings along the way to help us remember. 

"Kids have dropped over dead converting metrics," was the first. The beginning letter of every word reminds us of what the prefix in the metric system starts with from largest to smallest units: kilo-, hecto-, deka-, deci-, centi-, and milli-. 
The second was "Horse to fly, multiply. Fly to horse, divide of course!" This saying helped us to know whether to multiply or divide to convert, as well as let us check our answers to see if they made sense. 

Wednesday, we turned in our juice box projects we've been working on. We worked with partners to create a new juice box design for the Tooty Fruity juice company following specific criteria. They turned out AMAZING and Ms. Goldy has already updated her proficiency board showcasing some of the spectacular work! Who knew we could be such great advertisers? LOL
Our prompt


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